Investigating the Effect of Weight Changes and Foundation Burial Depth on structural Lateral Displacement in Soil-Structure Interaction System

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate of Structural Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol, Iran


One of the most important parameters in dynamic analysis and design of structures is the lateral displacements caused by loading and incitement instigations to the structure which is very important in the process of computation calculation and determination of the structure sections and dynamic parameters of the structure. In the past, in the process stage of structural analysis and determination of forces and stresses tensions and the response of the structure to existing investigations stimulus, soil and foundation and structure  systems were investigated and studied and analyzed with districted and separated forms and numerous great simplifications. These studies were modeled and analyzed by with considering consideration of placing the structure on a rigid solid foundation on a soil with sufficient resistance to resist the session’s summits and forces, which is transmitted from the structural   foundation of the structure to it. Field studies and the results and observations obtained by from visiting the damaged and damaged areas of the earthquake, showed that, even at a certain location and among similar structures for in terms of shape and geometry and dynamic characteristics, the damage caused by the earthquake can could be very different, and this can only be due to the effect attributed to the impact of structure interaction - soil and foundation and such as that. The next Subsequent studies showed that the interaction of soil and foundation and structure themselves are highly strongly influenced by many parameters such as environmental factors, mechanical properties of material and soil, and the seismic characteristics form of foundation and gender, and the depth of soil and substrate seismicity of the zoning of the site of the structure and the geotechnical characteristics of the structure specifications and the like.In this study research, it tries by investigating of the is attempted to investigate these two parameters and modeling it them in the powerful software  “Abaqus” software  and considering the sufficient taking into account the number of required models needed that in each of them, One of the parameters under investigation changes, the value of their effect on the dynamic response of the structures are should be  studied.


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